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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-19 05:22:48 » #1673024

No need to add large_breasts to huge_breasts. There can only be one breast size tag if there's one girl in a picture and she definitely has huge breasts.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-19 08:59:50 » #1673059

Not all large breasts are huge, but are all huge breasts also large?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-19 18:08:26 » #1673284

No. From the Gelbooru wiki:

Large breasts are breasts that are noticeably large, but aren't too out of proportion with the rest of the body, which would be huge_breasts. If the breasts are of roughly similar size in comparison to their owner's head, this is the tag to use.

Huge breasts are breasts that are extremely large compared to the character's overall proportions.The preferred rule of thumb is that breasts which are larger than the character's head, but less than twice the size of the head, should be given this tag.

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