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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-24 14:57:15 » #1675960

I dont think there should be a straight_shota tag for this picture,
well thats just what i believe.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-24 21:29:36 » #1676165

I'm not a tagging guru, but I do believe deepthroating a futa's dick still makes you straight. Because, well, it's still a girl regardless.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-25 08:42:52 » #1676411

Futa on male is NOT straight, it is Futa on male
And it is NOT straight shota.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-26 09:16:31 » #1676990

Futa on male isn't considered heterosexual or homosexual since a futa has both parts. Regardless that futanari is targeted towards a heterosexual male and homosexual female audience.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-26 16:50:44 » #1677172

This is a no-balls futa so it is essentially a slightly altered girl.
also, dominant hetero sexual women can enjoy this as well.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-27 16:38:14 » #1677713

Ask any self-identified straight guy whether they would rather have sex with the most feminine woman who just happened to have a penis and a very masculine man who didn't (and they had to choose between them) and most would prefer the former. Those who would choose the man just because he had a pussy... have fun with that. The penis is just another organ just like the pussy. If you're afraid of losing your straight card, I feel sorry for you, you're missing out. If she's hot, I don't care whether she has a pussy or a penis, she's still hot. It's not going to change MY mind, that's for sure.

40 Points Flag
FaceFuuckmee commented at 2015-03-16 21:55:54 » #1705975

ohhh I'd love to have a cute little boy like that to have fun with <3

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-29 21:15:18 » #1712957

^ Being gay or straight is exactly that, you are attracted to a feminine body or a masculine body.

I was confused by this for most of my young life because I love cute and feminine while having no interest in muscular hairy men, yet am turned on by penises. Guess what, I'm still straight.

9 Points Flag
yodzuki commented at 2015-04-16 17:21:00 » #1723726

@anon-38:14 Sure it is your MIND ( and others too) but a man with a pussy is still a man whether the image is very appealing (except the part of the child that is sick) on these times where the public opinion is carried up like if were sheeps, almost the whole world has been manipulated for accepting the "homosexuality" even the hypocrite catholic church (this doesn't care since the religion is just social engineering), so based on this stipulation your "MIND" is a premade from the "Elite" that they wants that you think like this, very pathetic that your MIND is only yours, all of we're being influenced to do the the "things" that we're pretending to do for ourselves but it's not, so if you don't like what's happening in the world just downrate me but that doesn't change the reality.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-07 16:45:01 » #1735996

Being gay or being straight is not about being attracted to muscularity or femininity. It is if you are attracted by the other gender or the gender same as yours.

7 Points Flag