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Anonymous commented at 2015-02-27 09:07:53 » #1695821

Why is "(senran_kagura)" at the end of all of their names necessary? Like "katsuragi_(senran_kagura)"? It's not like there's a whole bunch of other Katsuragis that could she could get mixed up with. And even if there were, I could just search for "katsuragi" and "senran_kagura", two separate tags, to narrow it down. That goes for all other "character_(franchise)" tags too.

On top of that, it's rather difficult to type parenthesis with only one hand, which is probably how the majority of people who browse this site do.

1 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2015-02-27 13:19:19 » #1695926

That is the tagging policy for characters with only a first name. This is so that in the future if there are more characters in New series created with the same name, the character tags will already be differentiated.

It is also because if you want to remove a specific character from a tag search, it is easier to so when the character tag has a qualifier.

7 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2015-02-27 13:21:53 » #1695927

Also, this question was already answered here:


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