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Anonymous commented at 2015-02-27 23:31:08 » #1696190

Koakuma's average-lengthed yet oh-so-girthy dick and those ripe nuts are doing awful things to my sense of heterosexuality.

26 Points Flag
FeyPhoenix commented at 2015-10-04 07:36:08 » #1824962

>> #1696190

If it is just the dick you like, and not the body attached to it, you are in luck! You are a dicklover.

If you put a man's body in place of the woman with the penis, and still felt the same way, you're in luck! You're at the very least, bi.

Basically, if you are attracted to feminine things, you can still think of yourself as straight or bi-fem pref. If you are attracted to masculine things, you can call yourself gay or bi-masculine pref.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-05 02:54:39 » #1860104


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