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Anonymous commented at 2015-03-29 04:35:13 » #1712513

this really needs to be translated.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-30 05:22:41 » #1713163

Tried translating it but as it's my first translation here I'm not sure about formatting. Feel free to fix it up if I've screwed up somewhere.

19 Points Flag
anenigma322 commented at 2015-03-31 00:05:35 » #1713606

You're doing Science's work, Anon2. Now, if you don't mind helping us out, type "ttl translation_request" into the search bar, and see if you can knock out some more, mi amigo! :D

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-31 06:59:45 » #1713726

THANKS Anon2, i'm Anon1. As anenigma pointed out, we really are grateful, please have a look at some of the other untranslated images if you have the time :D

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-28 19:46:49 » #1784996

キモいのよマジで-> it's not "it is really gross[...]" but "you are really gross [...]"
I mean, given how japanese works it could be both, but the former makes no sense and the later is what any jap would understand it as.

便器がキスするのは小便穴か肛門かで充分よ! -> literally "A toilet should be satified with kissing either a piss-hole or an anus!" which turns out into something like "you should be happy to be able to kiss my anus or piss hole" or whatever when not a litteral translation. No idea how to make it "natural" english since I'm blessed by not having a shitty retarded mothertongue, but right now a part is missing and the nuance is wrong.
And for those wondering, she doesn't say urethra, she literally says "piss hole" 「小便 穴」

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-11 22:59:24 » #2063316

This got me thinking... Why do we even have fetishes?

2 Points Flag