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phantazum commented at 2015-05-03 00:18:59 » #1733252

How many different versions of this picture will we get? Will they still be popping up 10 years from now?

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-03 02:56:04 » #1733296

I'm switching back and forth between this one and the last one and cannot find a smile difference. Someone want to educate me?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-04 00:53:32 » #1733864

Looks like some of the shading was redone on this version.
Notably tail blue's left half being lighter, the shading on the inside of tail red's twintails and some parts of her armour having been changed. Also some lines for tail red's hair were changed.
As well, the shading for the shadows by the bed, daki and pillowcase have been darkened.
Some other minor changes in shading/colour exist but those were the major ones as far as I can tell.

3 Points Flag
Whiney commented at 2015-05-27 15:10:03 » #1747263

@phantazum who cares? Its still hot!

1 Points Flag
icekazuka13 commented at 2015-06-04 05:12:50 » #1751328

be honest....

if you could gender change like Souji, you'd be curious too...

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-29 21:48:51 » #1873846

Yep @icekazuka13. I am curious of how does it feels like if you don't have a d but instead p and b but if you are a girl then you gonna have to deal with some real problems that's weird and opaque plus it is only happens to girls.

1 Points Flag