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Anonymous commented at 2015-05-09 13:22:18 » #1737123

Why does she have circle under her eyes ?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-12 00:33:48 » #1738688

I can see you've never raised an infant.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-18 04:35:59 » #1742101

She is a doll, how can she be tired ?
I'm a squid I make no sound and barely move, how can I be hard to raise ?

1 Points Flag
Ramifrix commented at 2015-05-20 18:38:52 » #1743612

You mistake a lovecraftian tentacle elderspawn for a squid. There's a marked difference. For one, it howls and cries would turn most mortals insane and if you burp it after feeding it a bottle of the souls of the tortured damned, you also risk shattering reality and god forbid it puke. That's when you get the cannon out.

7 Points Flag