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rantam commented at 2015-05-13 07:28:20 » #1739254

Oh, crap! I left the oven on!

21 Points Flag
JohnSmith909-2 commented at 2015-05-16 18:38:06 » #1741221

X Company issued a public apology today after a bug was discovered in the trial version of their latest Life Hack app "Auto Dresser." Several users complained that their digital clothes vanished randomly while switching between "work" and "casual" outfits. "This is why we advise users to at least wear some kind of underwear when using digital clothing," said X Company's CEO. He later added "we're tired of lawsuits" before asking our reporter to leave the company's headquarters. One embarrassed user of the Auto Dresser app, identified only as OL-Chan, reports that the experience of being suddenly naked on a busy street during her lunch break was "so embarrassing." A male witness described the event as "the best day of my life." A female witness stated "I'm now yuri for my big sister!" *Attached raw photo requires additional mosaic before inclusion in our print edition.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-06 09:20:06 » #1752680

Source: [May-Be Soft] Change! ~Ano Ko ni Natte Kunkun Peropero~

2 Points Flag