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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-31 16:06:52 » #2012151

I never really understood why TerraxEdgar seems to be a popular pairing. He flirts with her like once the first time they met, his pickup lines fall flat, and then he barely ever talks to her again after that.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-31 20:37:45 » #2012285

People want to ship Terra with someone, even though the game clearly showed no interest in depicting a romance for her. Locke would make the most sense, except there's a ton more Locke/Celes going on, and that's also a popular ship people don't want to interfere with. That leaves Setzer, Cyan, Shadow, and the Figaro brothers for Terra. I guess people latched onto Edgar as the most likely of a bunch of highly-unlikely choices, simply because he once showed any interest in her at all.

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