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Anonymous commented at 2015-07-16 02:20:43 » #1777656

Rest in Peace Satoru thank you for the great childhood games

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-16 18:37:56 » #1778003

lets see...
i recognize...
the spiky shell from mario kart
the maxim tomato from kirby
kirby ball from one of his games
a heart piece from zelda
the smash ball from smash bros
the creature thing (mr saturn?) in front from earthbound
the giant ? block from mario (used as the pedestal)

the heart block...is it bomberman?

now, what is the red item under the heart piece and the tiny stuff right under the question mark? a wii?

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-16 20:24:50 » #1778051

@Anonymous #1778003 the thing under the heart piece is a Pokeball and the thing under the question mark is a wii.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-19 16:04:54 » #1779587

I think the heart block on the left is from the classic game The Adventure of Lolo. Which was done by Hal.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-30 17:29:57 » #1924464

The heart panel is from Panel de Pon, the original version of Tetris Attack.

0 Points Flag
WalkerRiley commented at 2016-03-30 18:26:46 » #1924492

Nope, 1779587 is correct. It is from Adventures of Lolo. Developed by HAL whom Iwata was then president of, I believe (I know he was working there anyways). Panel de Pon came around in '95. Iwata didn't start working at Nintendo until 2000 (though he did help develop a few of the Pokemon games released during 98/99).

Aside from that, the Panel de Pon heart block as a red heart on a dark red panel. Lolo's heart block was as seen above, white heart on red panel with white trim.

0 Points Flag