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xXBankotsuXx commented at 2015-07-30 13:37:18 » #1786037

Oh yea. Theyre cousins, right?

2 Points Flag
Ragingspeed commented at 2015-07-30 20:48:24 » #1786198

Yeah bet Konohamaru is glad he has a hot cousin :d

1 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-08-02 02:47:47 » #1787567

Why are Konohamaru's eyes red that much ? Mirai it's ok, she's supposed to have her mother's eyes, but Konohamaru's eyes are supposed to be pitch black... It seems to me the artist tried to give them both the Sharingan or something...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-11 19:35:56 » #1793381

I may sound like a perv… but why don't we have more Mirai hentai? I mean for Kaguya's sake, practically everyone has been Rule 34ed! Why is there no Mirai?!?!

3 Points Flag