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Anonymous commented at 2015-08-14 19:36:07 » #1795281

I'm still still pretty pissed off that she keeps acting all bossy, talking about everything dirty with tons of excitement , but when she actually sees something dirty she gets all hostile and disgusted ... Such a hypocritical birch. I didn't think they would make me hate this character (and I didn't see why they would want to), but they sure managed to.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-14 20:44:41 » #1795317

Yeah, you'd think she'd stare at it fascinated or something.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-28 16:36:40 » #1803925

@Anon1: Actually, it's a completely natural response. Hypocritical? Yes, she has that in spades in this particular field, but consider this: despite her big talk and vast pornographic knowledge, she, along with everyone else in the country of Japan, has no sexual experience nor a chance to act on feelings that would lead to such. It's been shown before that children will talk a big game about mature topics and even come across as genuinely mature, but this pseudomaturity isn't enough to handle a real world situation, say, an actual sexual encounter. Now factor this in with the fact that people aren't left in the dark about how to handle these things properly until not age eight, but EIGHTEEN, and you'll see the same effects compounded with the build up of feelings they are unsure how to handle first expressed at puberty. It's the same, but exaggerated to ages twice what they should be. For a real world equivalent, ask a young person (of a reasonable age) what the properties of a kiss should be; some are bound to give you a reasonable answer. Then ask them to show you, and they'll likely panic, suddenly becoming less confident in their ability to handle the situation.

13 Points Flag