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ShiftKey commented at 2015-08-16 23:39:48 » #1796757

I watched the new Refresh episode a couple days ago and honestly, I felt kind of bored. I don't know why, but it just felt boring. Maybe it's because there was nothing amazing happening, but the whole thing seemed very plain to me.

Or maybe it was because I watched this after waking up very early in the morning, still feeling somewhat dozed off, but still,something about this whole episode just felt....off...

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-19 04:12:07 » #2083752

its because its based on rape. simple question whats easier to rape defenseless girl or be man for her ?

that why everything from first episode was boring

no hard work no good reward either.

i would rather have 18 episodes of airi with marina , licking each other without using any tools , than this mind sick nonhuman rapist who is top 1 pro at fucking.

4 Points Flag
Haardy-cocker commented at 2017-04-29 14:41:45 » #2124064

Maybe is a bored episodie, but is fun can you try!!

2 Points Flag