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Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 11:19:59 » #1802359

This could possibly the current Demon Lord. Once a powerful succubus who had extreme lust for humans. The humans the monsters were once enemies and was at constant war, humans would slaughter the monsters were as Monsters would slaughter and devour their flesh.

The Demon Lord knew this and convinced a strong human to join her as she could put a stop to the war. The human was convinced and 'joined' with her. The Demon Lord ravished him and drained him of his semen which also boosted her powers for peace between the two races.

The Demon Lord then used her powers to change all the monsters into part women and monster thus came the age of the MonsterGirls (or Mamano).

Instead of killing humans the MonsterGirls would seek intercourse with human men by using seduction, force, spells or strong emotions. The Monster Girls would also perform marriage on their targets and become husband and wife. This would also involve strong love and long lasting sex until the said Monster Girl is either satisfied or pregnant.

So far only half on the Demon Lords plan has worked but there is still resistance among the humans and some will still try to strike monster girls down and make them extinct.

Right now the current Demon Lord still lives with her husband and is still trying to formulate her plan and that is for Monster Girls to give birth to human babies as so far Monster Girls only give birth to Monsters of their own breed. Slimes multiply, Harpies lay eggs for chick harpies, Alraunes lay special seeds for more plant-type monsters and most give birth like human women would. The only exception is the Echidna as they give birth to any random Monster Girl.

This is the problem for the Demon Lord as she knows humans will be on a decline so as of now she still tries to work out how Monster Girls can give birth to humans as well as Monsters.

More infomation can be found on the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wiki. Also pay great respect for Kenkou Cross for his growing fantasy and MonsterGirls

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 16:23:16 » #1802548

well anon #1802359, this could be the current monster lord or it could be a new succubus subspecies that's either on par with the lilim or above them.
Either way this mamono is a combination of sexy and scary at the same time.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 16:27:37 » #1802554

Except her entry is called Demon, not Demon King.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 16:54:17 » #1802569

"They're Druella's monster supremacist super-elite. Seduce men into corruption and make them enter "contracts". "

2 Points Flag
Zelyy commented at 2015-08-26 20:40:41 » #1802638

Finally, we have a simple Demon :3 ! Thanks KC

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 22:00:03 » #1802677

She's not on-par or above a Lilim; she's subservient to one. Like the "Devil", she's part of the extremely hedonistic Lilim "Druella's" group.

2 Points Flag
RomanReigns007 commented at 2017-02-06 16:36:22 » #2092932

Is a great moment to sold your soul

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-11-02 17:20:16 » #2661812

Surprised no one said "those hips don't lie" since it's the meme with her in the MGE community.

1 Points Flag