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LivingCorpse commented at 2015-09-02 02:46:26 » #1806626

Characters like Midna makes me wish other races existed along with humans in real life.

7 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-09-04 18:32:24 » #1808071

We cant even get along with our own race, you think having other races will go over easy? Knowing humanity we'll find some excuse to go to war with them and either exploit or kill them. Because we're super tolerable.

I would still enjoy a world like that tho..

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-04 22:21:31 » #1808161

Did I say it'd be a prefect or even better world? No. And if Zant, is anything to go by, backstabbing isn't exactly exclusive to humans.

I was just saying it'd be more interesting.

4 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-09-05 08:54:23 » #1808416

I didn't say you said it would be a perfect world (assuming you're even the same person.) Just noting some of the conflicts that would surely happen if this world had more than one sentient race among it.

Ultimately I agree, It would be an enjoyable world..

6 Points Flag