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Anonymous commented at 2015-10-26 22:12:18 » #1837742

I'm still really sad that Eliwood and Hector were left out of Awakening's re-designs.
FE7 revolves around the whole lord trio being unique to it, so I question why only one lord was used to represent FE7.
Eliwood and Hector are some of the most epic lords in the series. Eliwood never gets enough love, but I'm not ashamed at all to admit he's my favorite character in the series.
I've always admired these two a lot since getting into the series, and they hold up as some of my favorite characters after playing through all FE titles. I really hope Fates doesn't ignore them again, and that characters like Levin/Lewyn and Sothe are featured too.

Eliwood, Lyndis, and Hector should be Fates DLC!

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