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Anonymous commented at 2015-10-30 22:01:05 » #1840100

I believe the words "bad" and "ass" are relevant to this image.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-02 08:31:33 » #1841754

Everything he's been through, feeling guilty about 16's death as well as his father's which he had the power and ability to prevent. This means the role of earth's greatest defender, it's best hope, it's champion is now his burden. In spite of all that, he didn't feel the need to keep up with his training? He could easily be a way better defender than his father if you took Piccolo's intelligence and efficiency and combine it with Goku's raw power and possibility for growth. I can't help but look at the Buu saga with all this in mind and not wonder what the hell happened?

I'll always have a certain fondness for the series despite all the flaws and problems I personally have with it. But I can never look at Dragon Ball without thinking what could have been and all that potential it has much like I do with Gohan. But all the potential in the world means nothing if you can't reach said potential.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-02 17:50:16 » #1841978

Didn't Piccolo explain to Goku during the Cell fight that while Gohan is strong he doesn't have the same love of fighting that Goku has?

2 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-11-02 18:30:28 » #1842003

I don't get Gohan at all. He lacks the natural desire for fighting and all that which comes with his Saiyan blood, but maybe that can be excused by the fact that he's half. However, when he finally did reveal the true depths of his power and it became obvious that he was superior to Perfect Cell, he toyed with his foe, much like how Goku did with Frieza and like how Vegeta does to everybody he's stronger than, or thinks he is.

He even makes the same mistake against Buu after having his full potential unlocked.

So why is he capable of avoiding one racial personality trait, yet fall victim to another?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-03 04:45:22 » #1842284

It's not about the will to fight, it's about being there to defend those in need. What honestly was his mentality for honing his skills? That a stronger foe will never emerge to threaten his friends and family or that somebody else will take care of it for him despite the fact that he CAN to do something about it?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-03 04:47:28 » #1842285

He knows Goku and Vegeta are around.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-23 04:02:53 » #1870317

But they aren't always around, aside from author fiat and fanbase complaining over lack of "Goku for mainz hero". There really wasn't a reason over why Gohan would stop training.

And even if we go by past showings from the manga, Goku was innocent and not as battle loving when a child as well. (he loved fighting, not LIVED for fighting) It seems that as a saiyan grows older so does his battle lust. So even such a contention falls mute.

Eh anyway, awesome image and were toriyama should have made a stand against the publishers and fans and stuck to his original vision of ending it there. The son inheriting the mantle from the father and pushing it to further heights...Sigh what could have been...

2 Points Flag