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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-12 10:45:23 » #1847703

@ #1847637

LOL NO, those people did watch it all and then harped (and still harp) that it is very problematic show and it is no way feminist. While claiming Mako is rapist and fapping to Ragyo and writing Junketsu!Ryuuko raping Satsuki porn. Tumblr is toxic nest of hypocrites.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-12 17:14:56 » #1847866

^ or maybe tumblr is a site with many different people with many different opinions and not a singular entity...

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-13 21:12:39 » #1848516

^ Where did the anon ever say "singular entity"? No, he said "toxic nest". And that's what it is. Either you have never been there or your tumblr sensibilities got hurt.

8 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-11-16 01:12:34 » #1849617

@Anon 9

What? How does Kill la Kill's blood concept have anything to do with periods? The people who wear Kamui's VOLUNTARILY give them blood to receive power. Unless you are talking about one specific occasion that's not the message the first half was even trying give. Most people consider the first half to just be random unfiltered nonsense. Which isn't a bad thing since it's all in good fun but yeah I don't see where you got that. The whole being comfortable in your own skin thing was barely addressed overall to be honest. Not enough to make a big deal about it. I don't see why people try to put labels like that on the show. It's always been about ridiculous over the top fun. Why does it have to always be put on a pedestal that it was NEVER trying to stand on? >.>

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-21 09:37:57 » #1852540

@ leatherhead93

Yeah, why do people always have to shit on it and forcefully find "problematic" elements in it if it is just big fun.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-25 02:33:12 » #1854708

okay ya'll talking shit about tumblr being a hive but i see that same shit ON EVERY SOCIAL WEBSITE

basically anyplace you can comment there are bound to be dick heads, and to be clear I am a member of Tumblr and have never thought of Kill La Kill has having anything to do with rape, I understand it helps to allow females to accept their bodies but that is the main theme, not rape

motherfucking asshats everywhere these days

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-09 11:00:16 » #1897083

Let me explain how the blood concept is a metaphor for periods for those who don't get it.

Senketsu's introductory scene does have a lot of innuendo, but it adds to the metaphor of it being a woman's body going through puberty. Women don't choose to have periods, they're forced on us very suddenly, much like Senketsu practically forced Ryuko to wear him. After she accepts him and his role, she comes to terms with her own body (Senketsu is literally referred to as Ryuko's "skin", a part of her). They take care of each other and give each other strength.

Then the "whole being comfortable in your own skin thing" wasn't "barely addressed" it was the central theme of the whole show. Just because they don't say it straight out and remind you constantly doesn't mean that message isn't there throughout. They just figure the viewer is smart enough to get the message without being told all the time.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-09 11:04:30 » #1897085

How can you say it was trying to be placed on a pedestal it was never trying to stand on? Just like Evangelion and Gurren Lagann, this show had a deeper meaning and a bigger message to tell. Just because you can't see that doesn't mean it wasn't there. The ridiculous over-the-top fun was just the seasoning to the whole dish.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-01 01:41:27 » #2134587

I just have one thing to say... HAAAAAAALLEEEEEEJULAH

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-31 12:36:23 » #2225137

#1847637 i'd love to be comfortable with your body too

0 Points Flag