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Anonymous commented at 2015-12-02 07:40:23 » #1858558

Wow mods, if you seen the comment I left here yesterday kindly asking for the re-addition of Ahgot images you could have at least added them instead of just outright deleting my comment and ignoring the request altogether. I know about the forum and I requested it there but that was the end of that.

5 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2015-12-02 12:33:29 » #1858661

We do not accept deletion appeals anywhere other than the forum. If your request on the forums did not result in them getting restored, it means that we've decided that we will not restore them.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-02 17:21:53 » #1858808

But why the hell not? They were removed for being "Non-Japanese", Ahgot pictures are allowed now, hell some were uploaded today, so why would you reject re-adding older ones if they're okay now? That makes absolutely no sense.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-02 17:27:11 » #1858815

So if someone were to re-upload the ones that were deleted then they wouldn't be removed now, right? There was no issue other than them being non-Japanese but Gelbooru has lightened up on that issue so why would you deny making them available again if that was all that was wrong?

Or are you going to remove all the ones that are on here right now since clearly you all think there is some problem with them being here?

1 Points Flag