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luigi-dude commented at 2015-12-15 07:43:32 » #1865784

This scene could have been so much better, not just in terms of length, but also creativity. You have a sexually sadistic loli finally groping the magnificent undersexed udders of Akira... and she only does it for about 15 seconds. She barely pinches them, she doesn't force a kiss, and she doesn't tease her nipples with her tongue before going in for a hardcore round of sucking. Worst of all, at the end Akira's sexy moans transform into a blood-curdling scream of pain... the fuck was that. I love some forceful domination, but it totally killed the mood.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-23 21:54:24 » #1870715

This whole show is one big disappointment in the yuri department(I don't think anyone was expecting anything else from this and yuri is the only reason this show and game exist). The whole show it's almost always just been the 2 main leads doing stuff, all the other scenes are so short and even the leads have taken a back seat in the past episodes. If they're going to do yuri, do it fucking well.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-11 23:35:23 » #1898483

not all hentai operate like western porn. If there's a shitload of dialogue, it's going to have a driving story. So stfu and just enjoy it.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-02 16:24:01 » #1961992

The show was bad because there was no male character dominating all the female characters. Yuri is boring when there is no chance of normal hetero interactions. When you remove the possibility of hetero, yuri takes it place. No longer is yuri the special carnival it was meant to be, but instead it is transformed into a boring version of the normal hetero interaction.

4 Points Flag
ukuna_matata commented at 2017-11-23 15:44:52 » #2186417

No the show is boring cause you simply seen all the tropes before , need I remind you Seikon no qwasar , Queens Blade and Manyuu hikenchou Had these same EXACT scenes I don't mean to pry but the pointless bitching about something You want but have already Seen countless Times from other media is pointless , look at recent 7 Deadly sins... What's new about it the characters? The "story"?... No I mean what's "new" about it.....Exactly Nothing.

0 Points Flag