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Ardobarmus commented at 2021-09-27 08:53:59 » #2653485

There's actually a real condition (you can read about on Wikipedia) where sometimes girls as young as six experience a sex hormone imbalance and it cause them to become flirtatious and coquettish, even to develop crushes on older boys and men. Inappropriate flirtatious behavior is often noted (without there being a history of sexual abuse): such girls may spontaneously flash their panties or even privates to older boys and men, and may develop sexual obsessions which they might try to act out with men: such as kissing them or wanting to be tickled or taking them to see their bedrooms, etc. Sometimes even weirder obsessions are seen, like having an unhealthy fixation on men's crotches and staring at them fixedly or indeed even trying to grab their crotches. As one can imagine under certain circumstances such girls are at greater risk of sexual abuse, because they might seem to be initiating or "asking" for the sexual interaction. There also seems to be a correlated condition where such girls, including some as young as six, are fertile and impregnatable and the medical literature contains several scientifically verified accounts of girls between the ages of six and ten suffering from precocious puberty or similar conditions becoming pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. Truth truly is stranger than fiction sometimes.

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