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Anonymous commented at 2016-01-27 16:29:37 » #1890039

Low poly, repetetive motion. Oh god the clipping!

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-27 23:51:39 » #1890261

It's a GIF so i'd say the motion will be repetitive XD
About low poly nothing to be done otherwise the file becomes way too heavy and slow to load XD XD XD

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-28 02:12:44 » #1890325

It's still shit, matey!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-30 21:30:17 » #1891878

>> #1890261
>> otherwise the file becomes way too heavy and slow to load

That's not how it works.
Are you stupid?


Well, that answers that.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-04 23:13:05 » #1894594

He meant the MMD file, not the .gif file. MMD is very resource intensive, even if you have no other programs running. Loading multiple high-poly models, plus a stage, shaders, effects, accessories etc., especially on older computers, can make the frame rate drop all the way down to 1 fps or even lower, to the point it's impossible to work because it'll only accept input from you every couple of seconds. I have a computer built in 2007 with 2GB of RAM and when I use MMD I have to work on one model at a time, without the stage loaded unless I absolutely have to refer to positioning. I only turn all the models, effects and accessories on when I'm ready to render and I still get "out of video memory" errors from time to time when I'm rendering. Sometimes the computer just spontaneously restarts itself while I'm in the middle of working, without even a blue screen, and it's taught me to save often.

All that aside, it's hard to even find anatomically correct models since the MMD community both here and in Japan are largely tightasses/hypocrites about pornography, so sometimes when you need a dick on your model all you can find is an older low-poly one and you've got to work with it.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-04 23:45:34 » #1894608

I know all that. I make MMD stuff myself. The current MMD software is under-optimised as fuck, it can bug for any number of reasons.

But using a computer from 2007 isn't a valid excuse as that's waay outside of the minimum requirements for using MMD.

And yeah, the MMD "community" is fucking insane. Whole books could be written about it. The east for being model hoarding fucks who show off what they got without ever releasing anything and the west having people being entitled cunts who "totally gonna quit 4 evar" just because no one will pat them on the head for importing an existing animation onto a premade model.
It really is bullshit. The only male models I have found with a full body are Ryu and Gym Guy. I know that there's also a fat ugly guy, but fuck that and its existence.

Basically, everyone is a cunt.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-16 22:07:56 » #1901048

Try the MMD Gentleman's Video Wiki. (That's the Japanese term for MMD porn.) It doesn't have a large selection but it'll at least point you in the right direction.


0 Points Flag