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Anonymous commented at 2016-02-27 14:44:51 » #1906394

Just a little curious, but how exactly are her wrists bound here?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-10 23:20:19 » #2001425

can't see them, just use your imagination that's she's had her arms tied up so she can't cover herself and hence she's a little less than happy :o poor sweetcheeks :c

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-11 10:30:03 » #2047769

It's because of the refraction effect:light travel at different speeds in different elements, while a small amount of light is unable to go through the surface, making possible to the human eye to perceive the surface; if the surface isn't static due moves done by Mai, you will notice small waves through the surface, which can be easily detect at the edge of the body under water.

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