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SyteSkimmer commented at 2016-03-30 13:54:04 » #1924367

I just LOVE the quality of the Fanservice in Seikon no Qwaser! (Not to mention the quantity.)
And of course Tomo is my favorite character in the show!
Unfortunately SnQ isn't my #1 Fav-Ecchi-Anime because of the darker nature of the show. What can I say, if you've watched the first 60 seconds of episode 1 you already know what I'm talking about. As for the rest of the show, I'm not really into S&M, so it kind of fell flat.
But don't let it be said I didn't try my best to like it, and like it I did... just not the parts where violence was in the mix.
It is my personal philosophy that violence against boobies is wrong. And pretty much anything and everything else is what I enjoy about them!
I raise my glass of Soma to SnQ, and to the next Ecchi-Anime like it to come out!

38 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-30 18:47:17 » #1924502

Funny, I always see "lesbian" perverts sucking boobs with out consent but never a guy doing it. I just think that's a bit fucked up.

9 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2016-03-30 19:51:09 » #1924532

If we are talking about this particular show Anon2 that's not really true since it happens quite often. Generally speaking though that is indeed a weird double standard.

6 Points Flag