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Anonymous commented at 2016-04-06 02:41:54 » #1928166

I always wondered if Soul could look up her skirt in situations like this.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-11 15:12:59 » #1931261

He probably wouldn't care, he only likes the big breasted, shapely women, right? He also ostensibly respects her. They do live in co-ed dorms, after all, and I refuse the notion that a Weapon and a Meister cannot be attracted to each other just because one can turn into a magic weapon that the other wields in a platonic relationship fighting for order. They just aren't romantic, it seems.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-11 15:15:47 » #1931263

Edit: platonic → professional

3 Points Flag
Gunnerkrigg commented at 2023-02-02 08:17:32 » #2780737

I always thought it was horseshit that there's never any romance between Soul and Maka. I mean they're best friends, they fucking live together, they obviously make a great couple and they even act like they're married. I mean all he had to do was write them as already married when the series starts and maybe throw in a few affectionate gestures throughout the series to show it. It's not like he had to write a whole romance arc because they act like that from the first episode.

1 Points Flag