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MasterRedx commented at 2016-04-12 21:54:00 » #1931959

Why the fuck does Japan always ruin amazing porn with disgusting old men?

60 Points Flag
ron2k15 commented at 2016-04-13 00:25:48 » #1932020

Because some disgusting old men in Japan are rich men. Same thing in America. For example, Donald Trump, powerful billionaire but not the best looking guy.

31 Points Flag
themohawkninja commented at 2016-04-13 01:55:04 » #1932069

Except Trump isn't a porn star.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-13 02:19:23 » #1932087

Makes girls even hotter by contrast.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-13 02:38:59 » #1932094

I know a girl who loves hentai but avoids anything with ugly old men. She explained to me once that if they're going to be ugly old men then they might as well be orcs or tentacle monsters so that you can get the really heavy sex going.

As a fat man myself I laughed but still felt a little... less good.

80 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2016-04-13 02:41:53 » #1932096

^ Don't ever let disgusting women make you feel "less good" about yourself, please.

97 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-13 02:47:02 » #1932098

Don't let ANYONE make you feel less good about yourself.

101 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-13 02:52:25 » #1932100

lol, wow, cruisinginthe80s.

great words from someone who was bashing a fat chick just an hour or two ago.


102 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2016-04-13 03:00:09 » #1932103

^ Except the lot of you practically worship that so called "fat woman". The double standards are absolutely off the charts in modern day society.

I ain't never seen fat men being worshipped the way these women are -smh-

All, I have to say is this: if you are a man, and you're self conscious about your body in any way shape of form, DON"T BE. Why? Because women don't need to be ashamed anymore with their whole "social justice" nonsense.

For me, personally, I'm skinny as fuck and I've got a small cock. You have no idea the discrimination I've faced because of these two factors. But if a woman is thin and has small breasts there's absolutely no problem whatsoever.

I simply cannot STAND double standards.

89 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-13 03:26:25 » #1932112

That's really fucked up, Anon 2. I'm sorry you were treated like that.

If it helps at all, I don't have a single female friend who hasn't seriously dated or married an overweight guy. There are plenty of girls who don't judge a guy by the numbers on his bathroom scale.

34 Points Flag