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Anonymous commented at 2016-04-19 21:29:07 » #1935896

They better not fuck this up.

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LG_Negi commented at 2016-04-19 22:58:37 » #1935953

The hell even is this?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-20 00:48:45 » #1936011

Artwork for the Pokémon Radio Show, which seems to be some Audio CD.

2 Points Flag
ehwdihed151 commented at 2016-04-20 15:26:55 » #1936330

The show ran during Best Wishes, it wasn't an audio CD, but an actual show broadcasted on radio (it did had a couple of CD compilations though, which are where this artwork came from). They even had an exclusive live show at one point. It was written by the anime's sound director.

The premise was that Jessie, James and Meowth got tired of their serious attitude during their Unova missions, so they wanted to host this show where they could be their old comedic selves, and they would use it and its Twitter account to promote Team Rocket and recruit new members.

The sound director and the Rocket trio's voice actors have been eager to make a second season lately, but the idea hasn't been greenlighted.

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