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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 18:14:20 » #1943706

So if you share your images with the world it is fair play to give you any kind of abuse online? Do you have facebook? Have you shared any images of yourself there? Would it be fair if random people on the internet made all kinds of nasty comments about your pictures?

Or does it just apply to women who show sexual images of themselves? If so is it a) because you hate women or b) because you think women should not show their sexuality, and if they do give them hell or is it c) women should not show their sexuality because god told them not to or is it d) something else ?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 19:52:18 » #1943754

I don't really care about body type or sexuality, or anything like that. She's hot and all. My only problem is with the massive, absurd, unnecessary spam clogging up tags so you have to awkwardly navigate around them, wasting everyone's time. The lady's fine, it's the poster who's being an ass.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 20:09:34 » #1943759

^Which is a totally fair point. The problem is that like 95% of the negative comments on her images don't focus on that at all, and are more in line with Anon 685's comment. The fair point is completely lost beneath the hatred and anger and disgust directed not at the poster, but at the model -- a woman whose fat percentage is statistically likely to be about the same as your average Gelbooru user. It's misdirected, unnecessarily antagonistic, and frankly just rude.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 20:28:56 » #1943766

Sure is tumblr in here.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 20:45:27 » #1943775

>> #1943706
Being a public person is not all fun. Sometimes it is a burden. If she burst in tears or in anger from any negative comment then she just should not post her images publicly. Easy.

4 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2016-05-03 21:08:19 » #1943787

When you can only speak Japanese, the language of a culture that if they don't have anything nice to say, they don't say anything, I'm sure random English anon comments are traumatizing.

that was sarcasm. neither her nor me give a shit.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 21:30:27 » #1943801

Not giving a shit about how other people think is not a mark of pride. If anything, it just makes you more of a twat.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 00:07:59 » #1943866

Fat-phobia is a recent trend. It'll pass, eventually. In the meantime, enjoy or rage or whatever.

5 Points Flag
reallain commented at 2016-05-04 01:29:37 » #1943893

#1943801, the moon does not heed the barking of dogs.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 03:27:32 » #1943913

If this spammer is the moon, I'm a fucking cheese sandwich. Posting 200 mostly-identical images at a time is a dick move at best, no fucking matter who does it, or whoever (or whatever alt account, given the extremely weird phrasing of that sentence) says otherwise.

18 Points Flag