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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-04 23:02:36 » #1998313

Oh just your average every-day stroll...
She's a giant so she's just desensitized by it all. While walking through the park, head above the trees, she immersed herself in nature. Sounds from the distance blur into nothingness. Subconsciously her need to answer nature's call becomes apparent to her, and she proceeds to do what any girl like her has done a thousand times.
Though, without looking down, she hasn't even got to the sweet sensation of expulsion, when a completely new feeling presides below her. At first, it just feels different, maybe a little preferable. Not helping herself but to think about it, she recovers from a trance. She recognizes the tightness, which is increasingly more urgent as she remembers she's trying to pee... On the sidewalk!

Needless to say, there were no muffled sounds, the "call of nature" was silent today, and there was no modern technology necessary for this soundproofing.

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