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Anonymous commented at 2016-06-14 19:56:49 » #1969196

Why is everything sex always a debate on this site now days? If you don't like it, then don't come to a porn site. Yeah Yeah I know, most of the images aren't porn. Doesn't change the fact a lot of people are here for it.

Prudes, you don't like something? Cool, we respect that, you don't have to look at it or play it, you don't have to watch or play violent/sexual movies or games, you don't have to go to conventions and if you do there's plenty of non-sexual cosplay to look at, but that doesn't give you a right to tell others what they can watch or play or how to dress, that doesn't make you an adult, that makes you a fucking child.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-14 21:21:35 » #1969236

Can we all just stop whining about boobs and talk about the fact that she's driving an automatic!?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-14 21:42:17 » #1969240

on an artistic level, I'd like to see less characters designed this way, but I'M GONNA ENJOY THESE CHARACTERS IN REVEALING CLOTHES EITHER WAY

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-14 22:38:30 » #1969259

ehh, this is fine for porn, makes it a bit awkward to play outside of that,I like a bit of separation between my porn and my games, makes games easier to play and showoff. I mean, honestly you're not going to get the goods in the game, leave this kind of thing to the porn artist

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-15 11:09:45 » #1969572

[quote]Why is everything sex always a debate on this site now days? If you don't like it, then don't come to a porn site. Yeah Yeah I know, most of the images aren't porn. Doesn't change the fact a lot of people are here for it.

Prudes, you don't like something? Cool, we respect that, you don't have to look at it or play it, you don't have to watch or play violent/sexual movies or games, you don't have to go to conventions and if you do there's plenty of non-sexual cosplay to look at, but that doesn't give you a right to tell others what they can watch or play or how to dress, that doesn't make you an adult, that makes you a fucking child.[/I]
Nobody is really debating about anything. We're all just putting our own 2 cents in. Most of us aren't even responding directly to each other. It's actually refreshing to hear some other people's thoughts without them making personal attacks on each other and without the other general stupidity that usually goes on.

Your comment was well said though. ^-^

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-15 11:12:38 » #1969574

Oh wow, I totally messed up on those BB Code tags! Why did I even use the italic tag??! lol

0 Points Flag
ditto commented at 2016-06-15 16:14:11 » #1969728

If you just ignore the PC panic, they'll gain more and more of an audience while you're not looking. Then, eventually, you're going to end up with more DOAX3 situations, where publishers won't even bother bringing games to the west because of the inevitable whinging from the SJWs, who have now gathered a large audience because no one bothered to argue their views.

2 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2016-06-16 07:31:00 » #1970179

Except the whole DOAX3 thing wasn't due to SJW, it was due to cowering developers who never thought their game would sell that great overseas anyways. SJWs didn't make them not release it, they decided on their own not to.

Ignoring ppl that blow things over the top isn't empowering them, its decreasing their argument. They feed off your response and your response makes the story much much bigger than it actually is. I'm not saying you should never step up when a issue arrives. But learn to pick and choose your battles, because the ppl on the internet get pissy as soon as even one "SJW" complains about something stupid. Its not even worth your attention. Belittle their argument by not even caring about it.
Developers will do what they want, if they feel the persons complaint is valid they'll change it, and if they don't then they won't. You don't need to protect developers they're grown ass men and women.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-16 07:58:30 » #1970191

Sorry KnightMare, but when you have a higher up from Sony itself saying the game wouldn't release because of the press it would get overseas, much similar to the press the previous entries were getting, I think that's pretty clear what the problem really is.

The sales were always superior in the west as well compared to Japan, barring the PSP entry to the series.

4 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2016-06-16 10:55:12 » #1970256

That's a defeatist attitude. I'm not saying they didn't do it entirely because of impressions. But it is not the fault of a group of ppl for a decision that they themselves made. SJW's did not pull a gun to them and threaten them. They could've easily sold it and whoever wanted it would buy it and whoever didn't wouldnt. Literally nothing would've changed had they went through with it.

They didn't localize it because a group of ppl, they didn't localize it for a bunch of reasons with the main one being money. It cost way more money to distribute in America than it does in Japan, and the market for those games are poor as it is. It simply wouldn't sell enough to justify it. Even Team Ninja producers aren't entirely comfortable with the "Sexiness" in the DOA series. Blaming a group of ppl for something they themselves chose to do is baffling to me. SJW opinions on sex is just that, an opinion.
An Opinion didn't make them not sell it, they did. A company doesn't care about ppls opinions, they care if their product is profitable enough to sell. If anything ppl should be made at them for not finding the time of day to localize it. They clearly had no faith on it selling overseas. It may sell a lil bit in America, but not nearly enough to justify the shipping.

12 Points Flag