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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-02 17:30:20 » #1979501

Dont think thats a "newhalf"(shemale/tranny etc). Looks more like its a fake dick they use in futa vids

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-02 18:46:11 » #1979533

@anon1 both the terms shemale and tranny are considered offensive, you know. That aside, it's def a fake dick.

41 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-03 03:54:27 » #1979837

Woohoo! Silly string!

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-03 03:56:25 » #1979838

Stop getting offended. This is porn. It was used for descriptive purposes. Grow the fuck up.

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-03 04:10:13 » #1979848

Anon4, you're the only offended person I see here. Anon2 simply stated that those terms are usually used as insults, which is both entirely true and something a lot of people don't know. "Hey FYI don't use those words if you don't want to accidentally insult people" isn't being butthurt or childish, and the fact you took it that way says a lot more about you than you probably wanted it to.

31 Points Flag
SakuraJD commented at 2016-07-03 04:17:38 » #1979854

its hot, you know, the situation, but... they really need to work on it a little more.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-04 02:28:14 » #1980406

Offensive or not, they shouldn't call "shemales" or whatever futas. Futas are girls/something else

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-06 23:44:18 » #1982115

Anon5, s/he was right, no need to bot/sockpuppet their posts down. Seems like an indicator of offense to me if I've ever seen one. They didn't even use the terms as an insult, but you insinuated they did.

There's no need to play social justice warrior on a porn site. This shit is getting ridiculous.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-07 05:26:03 » #1982215

Anon5 here, and frankly I'm rather baffled by your assertions. For one thing, I'm not botting the downvotes; I used my single vote to upvote anon2, downvote anon4, and then I moved on. Do you honestly think there's no one on this site who might agree with what I said? I've always gotten the impression that there are a fair number of users who care about the trans community and try to avoid using slurs to describe them.

And it is a slur, even if it wasn't meant as an insult. The words themselves are offensive. It almost doesn't matter how they were used. (Incidentally, I didn't insinuate that insults were intended - that's why I said "ACCIDENTALLY insult".)

Finally, nobody is "playing" at being a "social justice warrior". If you have beliefs, you don't leave them at the door of any given site, even a porn one, and especially not a site that allows anonymous comments. What do you think anyone gains by anonymously saying "hey in case you didnt know thats kind of dickish, please dont do it anymore"? Absolutely nothing. You don't get praise. You might get upvotes, but they're easily rigged so that doesn't mean much. You ARE pretty much guaranteed to get pushback from people who feel like they don't need to be respectful of others because [insert reason here], which is unfortunate but not at all what I'm going for; I don't actually enjoy internet fights. All I'm looking for is that maybe, just -maybe-, someone will actually register what Anon2 said in the first place and stop using offensive words to describe other people.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-08 03:20:34 » #1982725

The fact is people DO leave something at the door when they visit a porn site. Sometimes shame. Sometimes dignity. Then there is the fear of being not being politically correct.

I know political correctness will win the day everyday (This WILL be downvoted), but i'm going to say this anyway:

There is a clear reason people view this content and it's because they like it. Simple. Therefore a slang term/shortening of a word is merely a candid expression of what they see. Mainly, because encuring raw sexual emotions make people the most vulnerable and likely to say things they know aren't appropriate for life outside the internet. Generalizing a word is what leads to conflict by default when saying, "If you use this word you are a person who uses hateful words" which in their mind translates to "you are a hateful person.". So when they're pinned as a sexist/homophobic they will get defensive because THAT in itself is seen as an attack on their character because they dont know you either. Forcing people to endulge the complexities of the real world whilst trying to relax and forget about the world will tend to make people defensive. Relaxation is no longer availible because a stranger on the internet is calling there character as a person into question. That wouldnt make anyone comfortable...

The ones in the video allow it because at the end of the day they're paid for what they do. If a person takes that behavior and speech to the real world YES they are in the wrong, but again once they come here it's nothing more than business terminology for easy search specific terms for what people enjoy. This is an outlet to escape the stressful world of tiring political correctness and other problems we face as humans. So honestly if you step into the porn realm and start preaching about political correctness you have to consider all angles of it, not just yours. Yes, the rules change. People will use language, slang and other forms of words that wouldn't/shouldn't be used in everyday life because of the very simple principle:

The people allowing themselves to be filmed for the world to see are doing it for business, not a righteous or idealistic cause. People will therefore express and reflect what they see these stars doing and saying in their language with words they are most familiar with.

Therefore, context plays a much bigger role in what people say here, more so than they would in everyday life to which your philosopies 100% apply. I honest don't enjoy this content myself, but I was surprised to the sparks fly. These are paid actors, not regular candid people doing this for free. There is a door where things are left, whether you accept it or not.

9 Points Flag