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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-06 00:36:17 » #1981566

And Captain Sameface strikes again. Most of the girls here are distinguishable by hairstyle, color scheme or some other feature besides their faces or figures, but, without looking at the tags, can you tell me who the second girl from the left in the bottom row is supposed to be?

(VI ysatnaF laniF morf ,aidyR)

I guess he couldn't choose between her two hair decorations to make her stand out.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 20:57:40 » #1985755

I don't know if you noticed this bro, but most artists sameface. You're expecting their faces to look markedly different because they come from games where they were designed by different artists, but when one artist draws them all they're going to look like they have sameface, especially if they're of similar ages and body types. Look at Dissidia, or SNK vs. Capcom; same thing.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-01 18:16:25 » #1996445

actually this artist is just really sameface-y, bro.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-23 06:08:45 » #2023917

yeah, jadenkaiba is samefacing, but as anon 2 pointed, most artist do this. (not saying that's a good thing, but if you're going to complain on every artist doing this, you're not done)

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-12 09:47:50 » #2048135

I'm gonna go out on a limb and make the assertion that GOOD artists don't do the sameface; Kozaki does a really good job of making all the new FE characters in Awakening and Fates have distinguished faces, and even the GBA FE characters have distinguished faces that largely set each other apart. Hell, even a lot of amateur artists are capable of this, and it pays off to make the characters more visually memorable and interesting.

Not even One Piece has the grace to avoid sameface syndrome for most female characters. So... yeah.

In JK's case it makes sense that he has a bit of sameface since he draws large groups of women most of the time, (so bound to develop drawing habits) but that doesn't mean that it looks good, lol. JK has a very shallow range of face types and artificial-looking expressions. Quality suffers at the expense of efficiency.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-19 09:19:47 » #2067280

anon5: we know, that's why the previous artists said "most" not "all" (and maybe "most" is a exageration as well, but "a lot" would be correct, especially with since the start of the moe charadesign trend in anime & manga).
and like anon4 said: that's not mean it's a good thing, the point was just that if anon1 have the intention to say "samefacing" in all and every pics from artist who do this, he wil need years of it.
we're not saying that JK does'nt have a striking case of it or anything. but as you say it yourself, he have just choosed this way of doing things, less worked out on differenciation, but more productive.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-08 14:56:39 » #2300554

we have to run before jojo's will f***ed us all

0 Points Flag