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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-16 04:29:54 » #1986847

Breath of the Wild allows you to shoot at enemies while snowboarding without a shirt on.

10/10 best game.

11 Points Flag
Chocoholic_ commented at 2016-07-16 04:33:43 » #1986855

What an amazingly refreshing picture to help me clear my mind after an hour of debating in the comments section of another image xD

Am I the only one who found it rather ironic how there was a woman showcasing Breath of the Wild at E3 and she kept insisting on Link being shirtless?

I just find it hilarious considering in the current political climate if a male was to do something similar with a female character in a videogame while showcasing it at a gaming event, they would be condemned to hell and back by the disgusting feminist trash the country has transformed into. :O

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-19 00:49:41 » #1988365

Yeah! It's true, but just let them have it. Because if a guy says something it gets all crazy, like men are pigs which is bullshit, it's okay for girl to what to see a guy naked but for guy it's wrong so sexist.

They'll just say "it's a none realistic male with no nipples in his boxers"
I guess that's okay, Maybe they would let us have anone realistic female with no nipples wearing a bikini. And it's okay because she's not real.

1 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2016-07-19 01:16:40 » #1988375


"...maybe we didn't sing it right..."

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-29 01:56:14 » #1994303

the hidden comments are really sad because they are true... the people that downvote are even worse because they cant see it in everyday life...

3 Points Flag