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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-20 06:01:05 » #1989257

"Videogames, I remember when I used to be in those."

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-20 23:54:03 » #1989755

Metroid is the perfect example of what should be an independent intellectual property. It doesn't have the mass appeal of Mario, Zelda, or Call of Duty but it has enough of a dedicated fanbase and people who like this type of game that a good entry would be successful.

Big companies don't know what to do with smaller franchises because they're only interested in the biggest thing, but in the hands of an independent developer Metroid would go far.

Federation Force is an example of a big company fumbling with its products. While a small developer would be content with making a tidy profit a big company wants to dilute its product by making it resemble other things that are popular now, such as multiplayer shooters, in the hopes that it will attract more sales.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-08 10:44:06 » #2000132

I just want a nice Metroid game without all the melodrama, like the Prime Series.

That was the best line of Metroid Games in my opinion and making something similar instead of trying to branch too far and wide is a much more sensible choice.

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