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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-19 22:46:52 » #1989107

I could get into this type of porn if it wasn't for the constant crying. never understood what they find appealing about it, never will.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-20 10:56:44 » #1989413


Pretty sure that is moaning, you can't really control what it sounds like. Granted there are some porn videos where the girl is legitimately crying, I also don't understand the appeal. My favorite videos are where the girl is into it and at least smiling if nothing else. Sex shouldn't be something that is only pleasurable for one person in the group.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-22 02:05:32 » #1990533

>> #1989470

Welp, thumbs up from me cuz i cant blame this guy, impression means alot you know.

From what i know tho, if you look into their arts & culture, i think it's just them being what they are ; A bunch of ppl with alot of passion & "burning" expressionism. The easiest (Or the most stereotypical) example are animes (which is something that im not a fan of, cuz dramas disgust me.) ; The way they talk, the way they explain things, the way they express their emotions, Their will, Their (overdramatic) persistence, That kind of thing.
Personally? if Pulp Fiction's Samuel L.J was replaced with some fucking cliche/dramatic anime guy like the bitchy/annoying Naruto or someone like the rubber guy from One Piece, the movie wont exactly be one of my favorites IMOROFLOLMAO. Lesson here? if you want someone killed straight away ASAP, DONT hire a jap assassin or you might get your ass busted cuz they talk & express too much lolololol (JK Naruto rocks for those who likes him,...& the One Piece guy.)

ANYWAY, in this porn's case, i think jap porns are taking the "Expressionist" part WAAAYY to seriously. Which explains this. Among other things. And yes, it is annoying.


1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-22 03:58:03 » #1990574

If you think these moans are "natural/legit" then i have really really bad news for you

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-21 09:45:00 » #2037276

Left one is like whatever cause she had black dick, so little jap weenie has no effect on her.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-27 17:21:35 » #2040616


I voted your comment up because I want everyone to know that you are a virgin.

0 Points Flag