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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-02 01:42:09 » #1996623

Really would like to see bunny Karen. :3

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FlatBoard commented at 2016-08-02 02:02:10 » #1996636

@Anon1 I know, I always say it too. I get her favorite character is C.C., but damn. Today was the day of the bunny which is why she drew this image, but Kallen got absolutely no love. Let it never be said that this isn't an amazing picture or that creayus isn't crazy talented. And I don't speak for everyone when I say this, but I just feel like the consecutive C.C. art gets sort of repetitive especially when the series has many other great girls like Kallen, Villetta, Shirley, Milly, Euphemia, Cornelia, the girls from the OVA's there are many. Fuck I'd even want art of Nina and the fucking table at this point. But to each their own I suppose, you don't see me putting out art of this quality.

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