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Anonymous commented at 2016-09-22 01:15:57 » #2023298

Krystal got retconned out of the series when the reboot happened....

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-23 21:09:34 » #2024226

Retconned out? The people who say this isn't very familiar with the series at all. She wasn't in Star Fox 64. Star Fox Zero is just a half-assed retelling 64. All this talk over the years about how this character ruined the series. This whole "the games she's in sold poorly" and whatnot. Meanwhile; the 3DS port doesn't even come close to its N64 counterpart in sells, it took years for that game to finally hit a somewhat decent number in sells, and don't even say it's low in sells because it's a remake. Resident Evil HD Remaster sold over one million in no time when it was released. Now look at Star Fox Zero, no Krystal in sight, and the game ends up being the worse selling Star Fox title upon release. Krystal ruined the series, my ass.


15 Points Flag