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robypoo commented at 2018-01-13 01:44:29 » #2201915

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Oh my...To even go as far as to make physical contact with me...

Admiral...Do you have an extreme death wish?

Bottom,right to left:


The coarse remarks of an uncouth barbarian♡I mistakenly let some slip out of my impudent mouth to my deep repentance♡forgive me please, have mercyyyyy~♡♡


This can't be happening♡♡I was actually overpowered and repressed♡♡this child is so much younger and smaller than I am♡♡yet this little kid's dick is somehow♡♡jittering my pussy enough to hold me sway♡♡my pride as a woman has been folded and flattened♡♡I concede defeat♡♡

This deficient weakest link battleship's thoroughly weak, assailable pussy being scourged with an authoritative interdiction by Admiral's predominant ultimate power and his mighty, proficient little kid dick~♡ a chance of winning♡♡was nowhere near my grasp♡♡

Waa oooo...Tatsuta is Admiral's♡♡ powerless dick injection receptacle is all♡ nothing but a mere insignificant female hole ~♡OOO♡ooo♡ ohoooo♡

N hooo♡ it's irruptiiing~♡

AH♡Tenryū-chan I'm sorry...♡

N ho♡ a fucked silly malformed female pig♡ will now disreputably demonstrate to its owner its completely subjugated orgasm♡ GUMMIIIIIIIIING♡♡

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