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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-04 07:46:50 » #2028835

What happened? Does someone know what the text say? :(

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-04 21:54:07 » #2029101

To the Anon that asked what happened.

Spoiler warning

Spoiler located below so last warning stop reading here if you don't want to hear it.

So this image is likely based on the timeline where Subaru committed suicide to try and change his actions to rescue Rem (something happens to her). It takes place shortly after he saves Emilia from Sloth. While it hasn't been translated in English officially or the fan-translations yet. Subaru's power upon death basically sends his memorys to a him in a different world so it doesn't reset the old worlds time which continues. In this case image we are seeing Emilia finding his body after he committed suicide. Pretty fucked up considering he made her quite happy before this happened.

No idea what the text says though aside from the obvious wailing.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-06 16:34:13 » #2029852

Pretty sure that isn't true. There's a point in the story where he has to see possible outcomes to what would have happened IF this were the case though.

3 Points Flag
4366Downs commented at 2016-10-10 18:25:41 » #2031778

@Anon 2:
Also Spoilers (I think)

Do you mean the part that I hear was in the light novel but excluded from the anime's ending?
The part where he is talking to Emilia telling her he couldn't have gotten that far if it wasn't for Puck, Beatrice, Roswell, Ram, Rem, etc.
Then, causing millions of brain fucks, Emilia responds with:
"Who is Rem?"

To which I shouted "THE FUCK?!"

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-13 02:12:58 » #2032904


Yeah that part. Also it has been translated from the webnovel. just look up translationchicken. Also my interpretation of his ability may be incorrect according to that other commentor. i am basing my comment on his power based off the anime OP, and a translator named Lemonwater has translated segments that interest him one of which Subaru mentions certain things that led me to thinking that's how his power worked.

1 Points Flag
LordD commented at 2020-09-10 18:42:04 » #2563261

Seriously Subaru you could have at least killed yourself somewhere she wouldn't have found you like that. ????‍♂️????‍♂️

1 Points Flag