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espadaquioro5 commented at 2016-10-09 22:42:58 » #2031405

i wonder if they'll make another OVA. or hell, how about a full SEASON????

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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-19 02:59:08 » #2036158

I would love a second season of Queen's Blade Rebellion. But I doubt itll happen. I mean there's a lot of things unresolved like removing Welveria's curses while gathering the veteran hotties to fight her, Aldra's amnesia problem and finally reuniting with her long lost sister, Leina's rematch with Claudette, etc. All that can't be crammed with 12 eps IMO. It would take about 24 eps to cover all that. Yeah I know that Queen's Blade silly series not meant to be taken seriously. But when it has its serious moments, it does them pretty well. Like when it hit me in the soft spot when a certain sexy awesome character dies or when a cutie had to leave her "family" for her master. Or when a cute apprentice parted ways with her master I almost cried.

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