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Anonymous commented at 2016-11-27 01:09:22 » #2054989

IMO, most of the villains are not that good.

Still waiting for a villain like Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger.

Giovanni was your basic mobster who thought he was allowed to do this shit.

Maxie+Archie are basically trying to help the world, but fail to understand why unleashing something powerful is not a smart idea. Basically, if Green Peace learned how to use weapons.

Cyrus wanted to become a god. Basically, he had some ham handed philosophy that he wanted to prove, but wasn't good enough to finish his bachelors in philosophy and political science.

Ghetsis is the equivalent to a religious idiot who believed that by adopting some child and warping their world view, he could change the world. Should have really tried Christianity if he wanted to do something.

Lusamine is just crazy. She was meant to be someone we would sympathize with because she couldn't find her husband and she went insane from the toxins. As a villain, she really did nothing worth talking about. I don't see her organization trying to create an Aryan race or have some scheme outside of bringing UB into our world.

Guzma is your stereotypical gangster kind of villain. He just steals pokemon and etc.

Really, I would like to see a villain executing characters in order to bring about a new world that they speak of or attempt to justify their actions through the results.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-27 01:16:31 » #2054992

Lysandre is the villain who believes that altruism is bad because he got burned by reality. He turns to murdering everyone because he believes he has the right to. Has he never learned how to not be an idiot?

1 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2016-11-27 01:17:49 » #2054994

Archer from Johto of Team Rocket is M.I.A. <3

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-27 07:40:07 » #2055114

^lol to anon who wants a ledger's joker villain in pokemon because :
1.this is a kids game. of course the bad guy is need to be simple. you want a villain with deep background? go read some dc/marvel stuff. you clearly seek it at wrong place.
2.joker ultimate goal is actually to burn us all,ghetsis actually really close to it.
most of the villain in pokemon mythos can also be found in real world,the one who seek a quick way to changes the world without striving to persuade all people to agree with him. it's actually a prove that they don't need to have deep story tobe relatable.
and the ghetsis-christianity comparision is really dumb. unless he tried to propoganda n as god,then i don't see why you can get your rotten brain out of here.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-27 12:24:20 » #2055204

Guzma is pretty cool, he look Gangsta.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-27 12:34:12 » #2055209

some of you need to chill out. no need to be rude to someone because he like one vilain instead of another.
we're all pokemon fans.
also, no need to barge about one vilain having more backstory or complex motives than another. this is pokemon, not a classical epic tales of something. what's important is that we get vilain with cool design and different theme. we had mafia, pirates, astronaut, the more scientist like version of team rocket admin in HGSS, etc... it's all cool.
wonder what they'll come up with next time.

3 Points Flag