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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-08 03:50:13 » #2106612

So how normal is it to masterbate to rape/rape-like porn after being raped? I have been told it's not abnormal but it feels really wrong. I can't help it though.

2 Points Flag
Omni_Slayer commented at 2017-03-08 05:25:08 » #2106631

It is sorta normal, some do it as a way to regain control over their body after losing it to someone else.

I don't think it's wrong but I also masturbate to rape stuff a lot so i'm probably not the person to say that.

3 Points Flag
ThisPlaceGetsMeOff commented at 2017-03-08 10:36:07 » #2106725

"Normal" and "healthy" are not the same thing. It's best to get past things, through therapy or some other course, but it doesn't always happen. Some men/women even want trusted friends to simulate rape during intercourse to either work through or relive some of the most traumatic moments of their lives. That can be either healthy or extremely unhealthy.

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