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Anonymous commented at 2016-12-11 04:26:35 » #2062888

Lelouch never died, suck it

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-14 13:34:15 » #2064635

If he didn't die why would it be called Lelouch of the Resurrection (Revival)? Why would he not atone for killing Euphie and using her death to furthur his goal. Why would C.C. and Suzaku cry during his death when they know of his plans, and why would he let Nunnally and Kallen believe he was dead all so he can just get by alive and do nothing. It would serve no purpose and do nothing for his character. :/

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-27 23:58:09 » #2088053

Because they themselves believed he would die except they wasn't aware Charles had given his code to Lelouch, which only would become active once the person dies, just as Charles code became active when Lelouch killed him the first time. And to add on, Lelouch of the Ressurection doesn't apply to the character himself, as everyone believed Emporer Lelouch was dead, thus meaning he will return to the public again, hence the "resurrection".

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