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SuperDEF commented at 2016-12-21 12:07:33 » #2068446

The irony of it all...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-21 12:22:22 » #2068455

Yeah, I actually watched an episode of Yo kai watch. It was alright. Was funny too. Then pokemon with it slap stick bs, trying too hard to copy yokai, even with Rotom like here. Like holy fuck pokemon.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-21 20:09:02 » #2068665

the slapstick was alright. a bit too many but at least they gave context on it. about why they trying to emulate yokai watch is simple,it shits on pokemon xy anime for tv rating in japan. hence why pokemon change the direction of the anime in SM,to win back the audiences from YW.

2 Points Flag
MaskedKitsune commented at 2016-12-21 20:22:30 » #2068670

Pokemon is not copying Yokai Watch.

The anime changed its formula because the games changed THEIR formula.

And episode 9 (the episode after next) will have Ash meet Hala and take his first trial.

0 Points Flag
SuperDEF commented at 2016-12-22 07:30:34 » #2068897

What I actually meant that I've read some folks claim the Rotom functuon acts somewhat similar to Whisper, hence why the image has a Whis-tom fusion. Also, both creators of Yo-kai Watch and Pokemon Sun/Moon are very fond with each others respective franchise and support one another, if I had learned that correctly.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-04 19:32:20 » #2075649

I would have preferred Whisper myself. Rotom has been more annoying so far using the same amount of episodes...

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-01 07:36:24 » #2331328

Actually the fact the games "changed their formula" so much just arguably goes to further enforce the idea that Pokemon is copying Yo-Kai Watch. Aside from the Rotom Dex just being Whisper, almost every new feature and idea introduced in Pokemon Sun and Moon is just something that already existed in Yo-Kai Watch but was made worse; Pokemon's QR Code based Island Scan feature just being a poor man's version of the QR system YKW has been using since 2013, the Pokefinder just being a poor rendition of the Yo-Kai Lens (you can't even argue that it's like Pokemon Snap since Snap works on a safari rail. Here, you just stand in one spot like the Yo-Kai Lens. Even if it WAS Snap, why on earth would they have waited so long to incorporate Snap-like features only AFTER YKW did something similar? LOL.), Totem Pokemon just being their attempt at replicating the iconic Boss Yo-Kai, the Z-Moves just being worse Soultimates, the Z-Move poses and dances just being their attempt at something the Gera Gera Po and all of YKW's other dances have already done, Pokemon's sudden use of the touch screen for a useless quest mapper after years of having the map being in the bag right after YKW mainly used its touch screen for the map and even then, Dragon Quest Monsters proved the touch screen could be used as a map in the DS era.

It's not like this is the only time Pokemon has stolen ideas and made them worse. Dragon Quest Monsters had a breeding system 2 years before Pokemon did and it's better in every conceivable way.

3 Points Flag