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sindeebiggeree@yahoo.com commented at 2009-10-29 23:42:31 » #141313

mmmmm she had them in all day

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-03-24 18:15:44 » #260274

Looks like somebody found out her little secret.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-24 09:51:33 » #376719

looks like someone deformed her face... great motive.. but this face ... it ruins is..

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-02 20:48:07 » #639636

Good thing to do when you are bored in class

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-05 13:50:15 » #836418

то есть сюжет картинки
сидит девушка в школе
зачем-то непонятно зачем она избила младшеклассницу и отобрала у неё юбку
то есть вот онра садится и этот тупой кусок материи открывает ту самую часть её наиогромнейшей ЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖЖпопы
и там колечко
и плохой бяка-одноклассник думает что это что-то вроде гранаты
ну, хотя учитывая что его так нихуёвенько судя по всему отбросило назадэто так и есть!!
неа там нет парты
ёпарта исчезла!!!!и как он до её агромной ЖЖЖЖЖпопы дотянулся?

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-11-06 11:53:14 » #920075

i have no idea what anon4 wrote but i voted it up

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-02 18:38:33 » #941328

I tried google translate on anon4. Turns out it's Russian, though either anon4 wrote strange or google screwed up. Here goes:

that is the subject image
girl sitting at school
For some reason it is not clear why she beat mladsheklassnitsu and took away her skirt
that is now sitting down and onra this stupid piece of material opens up the very part of her buttocks naiogromneyshey ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH
and there is a ring
and bad-byaka classmate thinks that this is something like a grenade
Well, although given that it so nihuevenko apparently thrown nazadeto and there!
Nope there are no desks
eparta disappeared!! and he to her agromnoy ZHZHZHZHZH reached for priests?

1 Points Flag
Lapool commented at 2011-12-31 12:19:53 » #964744

For this to be sneaky, everyone else in that place would have to be dead, or so drunk that they wouldn't notice a string of beads going from one desk to another.

9 Points Flag
xenastros commented at 2011-12-31 12:45:42 » #964756

who said no one else noticed? Everyone is doing it these days! Called friendship beads.

20 Points Flag
Shiroblack commented at 2012-07-07 09:13:21 » #1110639

Well of course they noticed, that's why there's a "public humiliation" tag.

2 Points Flag