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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-09 23:41:58 » #2078369

WWI tag? Or WWII?

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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-10 01:28:52 » #2078406

I'd say WWI.
Clothing are way too stylish for WWII plus the rapier.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-05-02 09:29:31 » #2234670

>Clothing are way too stylish for WWII
Actually the Nazi's were known for having incredibly stylish uniforms.
They WERE designed by Boss after all.

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Lalle14012000 commented at 2018-05-02 09:55:02 » #2234677

>Clothing are way too stylish for WWII
Far from the truth. While yes, uniforms got a lot more boring and practical in WWII, the higher ups still used-excuse my language- FABULOUS uniforms, particularly amongst the black SS line.

For the uniform in the picture, it's quite clearly inspired by the standard issue Waffen uniform, for one it has a strikingly similar red armband, buttoned up chest to reveal a tie, down to the gloves, placement of the pockets and belt. Granted, the uniform is a bit short, but that can be left up as artistic license.

If I were to reference a WWI uniform, I'd pick the British officer uniform, which is the closest thing I've been able to find in that particular corner of the war.

For a direct comparison of the officers, I'll refer you to these three images.

German WWI uniform: i.imgur.com/sGp56jr.png
British WWI uniform: i.imgur.com/CFvonkO.png
SS WWII uniform: hollywoodprop.com/allgemeineset.jpg

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