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Anony12 commented at 2017-01-24 19:37:41 » #2086640

Jesus, why are people still tagging this as anyone other than Samus Aran? They're clearly in a spaceship, and the design on her thong is the same color and design as Zero Suit Samus.;s=view&id=3497424

4 Points Flag
Juni221 commented at 2017-01-24 21:10:27 » #2086665

Because apparently it seems they're using Sarah Bryant's DoA model.

5 Points Flag
cornfuhly commented at 2017-06-29 13:41:11 » #2144255

I know it's Lord Aardwarks Samus SFM model using Sarah as a base, but at the end of the day it's still Sarah Bryant in Samus's Zerosuit (well not in this case).

It should be, and will be tagged as such, as will the rest of the posts with this model.

0 Points Flag