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pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 12:50:05 » #2086937

This is the uncut version that never made it to the US version of the game. The confrontation between MOMO and Albedo. This is part 3.

Part 2 is here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530085

Part 1 is here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530085

1 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 12:58:57 » #2086945

Part 4: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530090

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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-26 02:10:14 » #2087220

I find the "uncut" version to be a little..weaker than the censored version.
Here we just have a psycho waving around a little dinky knife.

2 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2017-01-26 15:48:40 » #2087458

I somewhat agree. To some degree the actions Albedo makes in the censored version are a bit more disturbing. I'm not certain what would hurt more between cutting off a limb or outright tearing them off, nor do I want to test that out. But imo it definitely looks more painful to see him tear his own head off. A couple of other places actually show more than the uncut version.

That said, there are a couple of things that are definitely weaker in the cut version, namely him dropping the Kirschwasser's arm and it breaking instead of him outright snapping it. Also, putting myself in Momo's shoes, I'd probably be more scared of him with the knife than without. With the knife he could seriously cut you up. Without the knife, is he going to give me the hug of death or something. It's whenever he takes the knife to his own body that it loses some of the threat. You'd have to be crazy to cut or tear your arm off, but using a knife would likely be easier than just using your bare hand.

1 Points Flag
yotsubagroup commented at 2017-01-29 09:33:50 » #2088776

I forced myself to beat this game back in the day and honestly.. It was a pretty shitty game. It had a really wonky difficulty curve where it starts off easy, gets really hard, then is really easy again. It drags on in places but the game overall felt really short, you have mechs you can get but you can't even really use the good ones much before the game ends.

Given this developer went on to make the fantastic Xenoblade Chronicles and XC:X I can't complain too much, but man did I hate this game.

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