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pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 12:59:23 » #2086946

This is the uncut version that never made it to the US version of the game. The confrontation between MOMO and Albedo. This is part 4.

Part 3 is here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530088

Part 2 is here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530086

Part 1 is here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3530085

2 Points Flag
Servidion commented at 2017-01-25 13:36:40 » #2086959

Not sure if you've ever played Xenosaga, but all 4 of these parts are in the US version. Even when she's squirming and telling him to get out of her body.

2 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 14:32:07 » #2086980

It actually isn't. It doesn't show Albedo ripping his head off and they replaced the knife with another weapon.

1 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 14:32:45 » #2086981

^ For the US version.

1 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 14:35:29 » #2086983

Example: i.ytimg.com/vi/Sg9OYyPIYNk/maxresdefault.jpg

here's the comparison between the US version and the Japan version.

2 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 14:40:12 » #2086985

Also in the US version, he doesn't break the Kirschwasser's arm. He just drops her arm. In the Japanese version, he breaks the arm of the corpse in his lap:



1 Points Flag
Servidion commented at 2017-01-25 15:35:30 » #2086999

I stand corrected and I apologize. Didn't realize the subtle differences in the videos, I just skipped ahead and thought it was the same scenes. That was my bad.

1 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-25 20:29:41 » #2087101

No worry. The comparisons between the US version and Japanese version of the encounter between Rubedo and the group with Albedo and MOMO is also notable. It was amazing how censorship was back in the PS2 days.

1 Points Flag
pyro_princess_ashley commented at 2017-01-26 21:01:17 » #2087561

I also uploaded a new one: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3531892

1 Points Flag
Servidion commented at 2017-01-27 01:38:40 » #2087668

I'm a little surprised the head being torn off was censored in the JP version. Reminds me of an anime I watched, don't recall the name, where some guy gets his head cut off near the end and shoved into a bag. When it "shows" it, it's all blacked out just the same. Must have some law against severed heads.

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