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UngodlyGod commented at 2017-02-20 06:35:54 » #2099694

This is making me wish for a Souls-esque Touhou game. Imagine how great that would be.
Dark Souls already have some semblance of bullet hell elements in certain boss fights, so they just need to amp up the bullet hell bit.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-27 20:00:33 » #2103128

I'm sure that if 3D games were easier to made, we would have a Souls Touhou.
It would be so cool.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-01 19:26:18 » #2104070

Pffft, someone doesn't get Souls games. Why would Yuyuko have a scythe and not some utterly ridiculous giant bladed fan thing

that you practically trip over yourself carrying her soul back to trade in for it as your own weapon

only to find it scales with a stat you haven't leveled

~dark souls!~

3 Points Flag